Events Rallies


9 to 14 May 2019

See sand & salt lakes

This years rally will be held on Mt Ive Station in the Gawler Ranges of South Australia.

What’s at Mt Ive
With buildings full of history, scenic sights and 4×4 tracks, there will be lots to keep you busy during your stay.  The Flight Path offers a great trip around the station with secluded rest areas and lookouts and takes in some of the great flora and fauna that exists here.  Private access to the edge of the stunning Lake Gairdner is available. The Lake is called by some, the jewel in the crown of South Australia’s scenic sights

The rally can form an ideal jumping off point for those wanting to travel further and/or a perfect opportunity to carry out a shakedown trip before any extended touring. It will also be a great opportunity to meet like-minded owners, share stories and take a peek in everyone else’s camper to get ideas on enhancing your fit-out.

You will need to register using the SA 2019 thread on the AOR Forum. Alternatively you can email NLT 20 March so we can finalise the logistics and administration. A joining instruction will be provided in early April with all the information you will require to plan and get there.

After the Rally
After the success of last years post rally event we’re planning a much shorter hop to Kingoonya on the Trans Australia Railway Line. Here we will overnight at one of the remotest pubs in the country and enjoy a meal and drink with the whole town. Along with watching the 2km long super-freighter trains rumble by.

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