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Australian Off-Road targets younger buyers


Stock building and finance options fast-track delivery of new Sierra to impatient Millenials

Caloundra, Queensland’s Australia Off-Road is turning the introduction of its new Sierra box camper into an innovative opportunity to attract a younger buyer demographic to the brand.

With the majority of AOR customers aged from their mid-50s upwards, the company this year asked the many under-30s in its 80-strong workforce to tell them what Millennials wanted, how long they were prepared to wait, what features they sought and what they were prepared to pay.

“After nearly 20 years in the business, we knew how to build off-road caravans, what would work and what wouldn’t,” said AOR founder Steve Budden. “But we knew that wasn’t enough going forward. We needed to blend young ideas with our building experience.

Read the full article on CCS

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