
Trekking Downunder

AORSome people say kids and caravan­ning don’t mix, not so for the adven­turous Murphy family.

Ryan, Amy, sons Jake 8, Lucas 6 and Wade 16 months are on the adven­ture of a lifetime.

The Western Herald caught up with the family at the Bourke Anzac Day Dawn Service last Wednesday.
Prior co preparations, Ryan and Amy met up with Adel Dyson who heads up a movement with husband Wayne called, “Caravanning with Kids”. The couple said that their lives were changed by “Caravanning with Kids”.

Life before caravanning consisted of working in their various professions.

After a holiday co Adelaide with their daughters they purchased a caravan and … voila! As the story goes, Wayne and Adele’s lives have been changed forever. Definitely, changed for the better! Caravanning with Kids has seen the Dyson ‘s reconnected; they spend quality family time together as frequently as they can escape!

The Murphy’s were chosen as the Caravanning with Kids Ambassadors for 2018; they signed up for their great adventure, sold their Blue Mountains home and purchased a Prado and their sturdy Australian-made off road AOR Quantum Plus caravan.

The family is now into their seventh week into the journey following the Darling River via Trilby Station and other wonderful locations through to Wentworth. You can follow their journey on Facebook or go to

Ryan and Amy will provide a regular update of their big trip on 2WEB’s Outback Mornings 9 – 12 weekdays.

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