AOR Ambassador program Latest Travel

Trekking Downunder – first 6 months budget

“It takes a lot of love and dedication to spend 24/7 with your family, especially in a small 18ft van. But we’ve done it, for 6 months now and counting. This last 184 days of our new lifestyle have been utterly incredible.
Because this is our permanent lifestyle and we need to remain accountable for our finances and we pride ourselves in keeping a clear, transparent and real budget.
We choose to share our budgets as a way to help guide others thinking of travelling, to get an understanding of what kind of expenses they can expect. We add it all in so if your thinking of a 6 month trip or more you can plan out a good starting budget or get some clever ideas on how to keep your costs down.
We make sure our budget accounts for all those background costs that we find are often omitted, such as insurances, regular expenses and bills. It helps us remain accountable for any extra incidentals, eating out and luxury purchases we want to make, as well as know if we need to settle for a week or so to work.
We are so excited to have managed to have kept an average budget of below $880/wk over the 6 month period, which is pretty amazing for a family of 5!”

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